Monday, June 14, 2010

A couple Misc. Pics for Granny and Poppy

Hannah dressed up for church this last Sunday....

The meat chickens.... doing the only thing they know how....

Hannah in her Tattered Dress climbing Max's tree......

So darn cute : )

Garden Pictures for Granny and Poppy

Hi Folks!

Here are a bunch of pictures from the garden:

The beautiful new fence that Jim put up:

Some potted flowers and the herb bed....

This is Hannah's special bed....... it's got mostly annual flowers, but also a couple of Early Girl Tomato plants, a Broccoli plant, and whatever else she has secretly dumped in there from my seed packets!

Brand new long bed that Jim put in. I just put in Sugar Baby Watermelon, Cucumber, and Zucchini today.

The herb bed. It looks like mostly Dill, but there's also Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, Thyme, Oregano, and Chives.

A close up of some of the lettuces. This cool rainy weather is great for them..... we've got all kinds and colors.

The Green Beans starting to climb up. Swiss Chard and Scallions growing on the sides..

This bed is loaded right now....... Purple and Green Cabbages, Carrots, and Peas. Hannah has been eating handfuls of pea pods off the vines every day. Today she picked a whole bunch and said, "these are the ones we're gong to send to Granny and PopPop!!"

Through the gate that jim put in....... beautiful gravel between the beds means less weed whacking and fewer ticks!

Tomatoes.... Jet Star, Early Girl, Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes, and one Brandywine.....

Other things we have growing are broccoli, asparagus (done for the season), Sweet Red Peppers, Beets, Butternut Squash.

We love you guys!

Farmer Cynthia and Farmer-ette Hannah

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holiday Time Part II

Hi Folks! Here are some more pictures....

Hannah at breakfast with Grampa the day after Christmas....

Hannah with her new doll, Baby Lila... she walked her in a sling and fed her her bottle. What a good little mommy!

Onthe 27th we drove down to Wintergreen, VA..... The condo is 4,000 feet high in the Blue Ridge Mountains. There are some beautiful views

We saw the sunrise every morning... most mornings we had to wait a while before the sun rose... Thanks, Hannah!

Here's the view from the terrace...

Hannah got to use her snowsuit at the tiny tots fun park.... the snow was artificially made and the consistency of a sno-cone...

Hannah and Jim went tubing...

Jim taught Hannah how to make snowballs with the snowball maker....

This is "the bouncy house" We went here every day so Hannah could have her fix... she loved it!

We visited Lake Sherando in the valley.... Hannah played pooh-sticks off of the bridge

Nature Girl...

We went swimming every day and Hannah learned how to use water wings - she was ecstatic!

After swimming Hannah played with the hot tub water while Judith had a soak...
Playing with Dad...
New Year's Eve dinner........... we had a fun time chasing Hannah around the restaurant... we literaly sat for a total of 15 minutes each during the dinner.

New Year's Day we had Judith, Bill, Chad, Jenna and their kids Spencer and Julia over for brunch. It was really fun.

Chad and I grew up together and it was really specal to have our kids play together and enjoy each other so much.

Spencer and Julia gave Hannah a bag of hand-me-down books.... they read her one of their favorites...
Hannah loved playing with the "big" kids!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Time 2008

Hi Folks! Here are some recent photos in backwards order - don't have time to move them : )
Love you!!

Hannah trying to get the big boys' attention at The Salmagundi Club in NYC on Dec. 14th

With Grandpa, Mom and Dad

In front of the Salmagundi Club tree

Not much brunching.... more playing : )

At Joe Jr.'s Diner on 12th Street

learning to brush teeth...

Tree trimming Party in Brooklyn at Elizabeth's

Hunting for the perfect Christmas tree!

Hannah's got her own little indestructible tree that Mommy duct taped to the table : ) Fa la la la la la la la la.....

Hannah helping out at Ward's Nursery
The Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School Christmas Fair... tiny treasures room for little people only, where Hannah was served warm chamomile tea in a ceramic cup with hommade ginger biscuits. Oh my.

Ella and Cora - friends from church at the Advent Dinner.

The day after Thanksgiving.... impromptu dinner at our house with neighbors. Jim supervised the "kid's table" : )

Hannah on her first Grocery Store horsey ride. She had to go a second time.

Everything must touch the chin.

Hannah talks to the animals...... "hey! hey! hey!"

These are some girls from the church youth group that I'm co-facilitating who have taken Hannah on as their mascot. They adore her.